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Jessica Fromm

Building 3



My many years as an abstract artist came to an abrupt standstill when a certain candidate for president descended his escalator…the looming potential for disaster was apparent to me and shook me to my foundations: political, personal and artistic.

My create self was left circling feelings of upheaval and distress, seeking a mode of expression other than abstraction. In early days, feeling that only satire could properly ridicule his multiplying offenses, I collaged fine art and historical images to satirize the cartoon nature of the un-popularly-elected leader. These I published in book form, was invited to preview a select few in a gallery group show and later showed all 25 images in a one-person show entitled, “What Universe Are We Living In?”, at the Noho/M55Art Gallery in Chelsea in 2018.

I continue my pursuit of a personal visual vocabulary using varied media - drawing, mono-print and oil paint -to address issues of sexual abuse, social inequities and the existential threat of climate change.

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© 2024 by Manufacturers Village Artists Corp, a 501(3)C Non-Profit Organization

356 Glenwood Ave, East Orange, NJ 07019

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